Wills, Executry and Inheritance
Most people put off writing their will and making arrangements for their estate. Although it is a difficult topic to discuss, it is a vital one. You can benefit from our years of experience, discussing your particular circumstances with our discreet knowledgable team. We will guide you through this process and help you help your family.
We believe everyone should have a will, – estate planning isn’t just for large estates. Having a will in place helps your loved ones deal with you estate more quickly, easily and less expenses. Having put arrangements put in place such as appointing am Executor, can give your family peace of mind and the minimum of stress and inconvenience at and already difficult time. Some time and though now can save a lot of expense and heartache for your loved ones later.
We are able to assist you with:
Whichever services you require, we pride ourselves on providing a service which is straightforward, compassionate, and timely. Get in touch with us to get advice on the best solution for your individual circumstance.
There are several types of wills and we may charge more depending on your requirements, however for a straight forwards will be charge £100 plus vat for one or £300 for 2 people who are married or partners as their wills are generally ‘mirror images’ of each other.